Kara TApp

Built using Grav and Ratchet

A screenshot of Kara TApp, showing the main menu

In 2017 I volunteered on Lesvos (Greece) for six months in a refugee camp called "Kara Tepe". Kara Tepe is a refugee camp where mostly families reside. The NGO where I volunteered with is called "Movement on the Ground". This organization helps a lot around the camp by organizing children activities, sorting and destributing donated clothes, provide refugees electricity using solar power, and much more.

While volunteering I noticed the communication between the camp and the refugees could be improved. Since almost all the refugees own a smartphone, I thought making an app would greatly increase the communication. With this in mind the Kara TApp was born.

Kara TApp allows the camp management to post useful information, activities and announcements on the app, so refugees have access to this information from a central point. The goal of Kara TApp is not to replace the current way of communicating, but to have all the information in one place.

Kara TApp is built using Grav as a CMS. Grav is user friendly for people without a lot of technical knowlegde, and is easily extensible for developers. The Kara TApp is essentially a Grav theme. I've built the theme using the Ratchet library. It's a library like Bootstrap (and maintained by the Bootstrap team) and is optimized for prototype mobile apps.